Pizza (chicken pizza with spinach)
1 chicken breast, about 200-300 g150 g spinach1 eggOnion, garlic, spices, French mustard, basil, ketchup,Olives and capersSalt and pepper5 mushrooms1 tomato200 g Cheese about
The first of all you should buy necessary productsSlise chicken on blockBlenders chicken and onion, garlic. Onion and garlic add to taste. Then agg spinach by taste also, and 1 egg, and all of this mix. Add salt, pepper and another spices.Then you should take pergament and form. All of this consistent send to form, make base for pizza. Wet you hand by water if it necessary.After send base for pizza to oven about 25 minutes. Be careful cause every oven are different, time to time watching about base.Then put for base ketchup, mushrooms, olives, tomatoes, capers, French mustard and grate some cheese and basil. After send pizza to oven again, about 15 minutes not more.And enjoy your meal